Saturday, October 14, 2017

The world we live in.

Well, it has been a while since I have shared any thoughts here. Our church is in decline along with many others in our convention. We live in a day where people are not interested in God and those who are seem not to be interested in those who do not. Eternal life is a gift from God and is something which needs to be made available to all. If you are one of God's children, what are you doing about that? What am I? 

I think our current administration is such a testimony to the fact that people need the Lord. So far our nation seems bitterly divided if you watch the news. I have not found that to be true where I live. Sure, we have some racism here, but it appears to be from both sides "of the tracks" as it is sometimes referred to. We do not have hate protests here. I praise God for that.

I have watched our world and it is amazing how people fill themselves with one point of view and get all radicalized. I was taught to try and slip into the other persons' shoes before deciding how I feel about an issue. What has happened to our nation?

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